Sunday, 13 February 2011

Berlinale: Day 2

The second day of the festival was filled with running, unplanned sightseeing of parts of the city we did not know about, watching films, eating McDonald's, and having lots of good old festival fun!

The first film of the day was Margin Call, which was on my 'wanted to watch but couldn't see it' films at Sundnace. It wasn't *great* but due to some bad reviews that got to me prior to the screening I expected *much* worse. The film was very well structured and had its moments but was still very predictible and felt patronising at times. The ensemble of actors was very neatly casted - Demi Moore being my favourite one. Unfortunately there was no Q&A after the film. Oh well... Moving on!

The Bengali Detective was our second film of the day. Following some ecstatic reviews at Sundance I expected a bit more than what it was. The film was *very* funny - tha main character especially proved to be a very rich source of entertainment. But the film fails to balance between the comedy and drama segments, and lacks a strong accent at the end. Still, a funny film.

The third pick of the day was How Are You - a German documentary about two Nordic artists preparing their exhibition at Biennale in Venice. Average but short (70 minutes long. why aren't all of them like that?)

And the last was an Albanian film Amnesty. the best film of the day - its socio-political commentary was quite obvious - the economy in Albania is bad, women are the underdogs of society and life in general is just endless suffering - but the characters were very nicely drawn and believable, and so the final product felt like a rewarding experience.

We wanted to watch a fifth film - The Terrorists - but since only one of us got tickets we bailed and went to eat at our beloved Vapiano!

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